Job: Projects/Contracts Engineer

Projects/Contracts Engineer
Salary – R450 – R500k P/A CTC
Listing Date 2018-09-07

Under Categories Job Type Location
Industrial Refrigeration Permanent Cape Town

Job Specification

Minimum 3 years relevant work experience in projects / contracts management.

The position does not require someone with refrigeration experience but purely project management experience. Construction, water and sanitation, gas etc all can be considered

There is no age or experience limit


Job Description:


  • Preparing and interpreting plans, drawings and specifications.
  • Prepare contract and tender documents.
  • Establishing project schedules and budgets.
  • Ensuring engineering standards of quality, contract provisions, safety, timeliness and performance are observed.
  • Ensuring that designs and finished work conforms to specifications, plans, laws, regulations and safety standards.
  • Managing paperwork, responding to inquiries and resolving problems associated with contracts, projects and services provided.
  • Providing advice on engineering methods and procedures to achieve construction and production requirements.
  • Advising senior management on matters requiring attention and implementing their decisions.


Someone that can jump in and take over with minimal time management requirements. A self-starter in essence. The technical support will be provided off course.

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